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Центр восточных рукописей и ксилографов ИМБТ СО РАН
О ЦЕНТРЕ Персоналии English


Материалы по истории буддизма в Забайкалье XIX-нач. XX вв.

5.2.1. Секретное донесение о меморандуме, в котором Российское правительство протестует против якобы введенного китайскими властями запрета бурятским буддистам на посещение Тибета. 25 августа 1910 г.

IOR/L/PS/12/187/2. File 3948/1910. Pt 5. Tibet: Travellers from Russia. Page 90.

Dated 14 Sept. 1910. Tibet: Russian Pilgrims and the Chinese Amban.



August 29. Section 2.

[31350] No. 1

Mr. O’Beirne to Sir Edward Grey. – (Received August 29.)

(No. 360.)

St. Petersburg, August 25, 1910.


I have the honour to inform you that I have to-day received from the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affaires a memorandum stating that information has reached the Russian Buddhists of the trans-Baikal district to the effect that the Chinese amban has forbidden Russian pilgrims to enter Thibet.

The memorandum goes on to state that the Russian chargé d’affaires at Peking has been instructed to call the attention of the Chinese Government to the matter, and, if the facts are as stated by the Russian Buddhists, to request that the order be rescinded.

I have, &c.

Hugh O’Beirne.

[2861 ff – 2]

Enclosed the cut from Times, 16 Sept. / 10

Pilgrims in Tibet

St. Petersburg, Sept. 15.

The Russian representative at the Peking Court having inquired whether there was any foundation for the rumours current among the Buddhists in Trans-Baikalia that the Chinese Resident at Lhassa had forbidden Russian pilgrims to enter Tibet, the Chinese Government has stated that the prohibition applies only to travelers and that Tibet is open to pilgrims of all nationalities.

Ключевые слова в этом документе

| China (5/5) | Russian (4/6) | Tibet (4/7) | O’Beirne (2/1) | Peking (2/4) | Thibet (2/4) | Amban (1/2) | Grey (1/3) | Russia (1/3) |


Книжный магазин Центра восточных рукописей и ксилографов

Бадлаева Т. В.
История светских библиотек в Забайкалье (вторая половина XIX в. - февраль 1917 г.)

История и культура народов Центральной Азии: наследие и современность. Ч. 1. История, источниковедение, историография, культура и образование. Ч. 2. Этнография, религиоведение, язык, фольклор и литература: Сб. науч. ст.

Andrey Bazarov and Nikolay Tsyrempilov
Catalogue of Tibetan gSung 'bum Collection of Centre of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Volume I. Non-dGe lugs and Early dGe lugs sections

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