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Центр восточных рукописей и ксилографов ИМБТ СО РАН
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Каталог востоковедной библиотеки

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Единицы хранения 121-140 из 9174 *

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№ бр 6137 Bangladesh Bouddha Kristi Prachar Sandra Since Liberation: A Brief Review of Activities / by D. P. B
№ 6139 Bulletin d’Ethnomedecine. - № 25, Novembre, 1983. - Paris. - 68 p.
№ бр6140Chadra L. Contents of two classical hippological treaises. - New Delhi-16 (India), 1964. - 28 p.
№ бр6141 Constitution of The World Fellowship of Buddhists / Published by Headquarters of The World Fellowshi
№ бр6142 Common voice. Journal of the Allied Committee of Peoples of Eastern Turkestan, Mongolia, Manchuria &
№ бр6143Сhingeltei. Notes on the Barin Phonology // Acta Orient. Hung. - T. XIII, Fasc. 3. - Budapest, 1961. - P. 295-30
№ бр6144Bira Sh. Some extracts from Sh. Damdin’s manuscript copy of the Hu-Lan Deb-ther // Tibetan and Buddhist stu
№ бр6145Cerensodnom D. Zu Fragen der Herkunft des names der epengestalt Chan Charanchuj // Fragen der Mongolischn heildendi
№ 6146 Drug abuse. - United Nations, 1971. - 18 p.
№ бр 6147Damdinsuren Ts. Hare Jataka // Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture. - Vol. 5. - Delhi, 1975. - P. 29-35.
№ бр6148Damdinsuren Ts. A brief review of Tibetan and Mongolian stories from the Pancatantra // Acta Orient. Hung. - T. XXX
№ бр6149 Delegation of the H. K. Regional Centre to the 13 th General Conference of The World Fellowship of B
№ брБ6150Chandra L. The origin of Avalokita-Svara / Avalokit-Esvara. - New Delhi. - 16 p.
№ бр6152Gerasimova K. M. The Anthropometric foundation of the Tibetan Canon of proportions. - Moscow, 1968. - 9 p. - VIII Int
№ бр6152Gerasimova K. M. The Anthropometric foundation of the Tibetan Canon of proportions. - Moscow, 1968. - 9 p.
№ брБ6153 Indo-Soviet Symposium on problems of secularization in multireligious societies. Chandra S. Towards
№ бр6154Jingbian Jiacuo. “Gesar” and the Tibetan Culture // The 5 th International seminar on Tibetans studies. - Beijing
№ бр6156Kuznecov B. I. Тибетская летопись “Светлое зерцало царских родослов
№ бр6157Kolmas J. Indexing the Prague Collection of Tibetan Prints from Derge // Archiv orientalni. - № 53 / 1985. -
№ бр6158Kolmas J. China’s minority Nationalities ( Some Statistical Observations) // Archiv orientalni. - Vol. 48. -
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Книжный магазин Центра восточных рукописей и ксилографов

Бадлаева Т. В.
История светских библиотек в Забайкалье (вторая половина XIX в. - февраль 1917 г.)

История и культура народов Центральной Азии: наследие и современность. Ч. 1. История, источниковедение, историография, культура и образование. Ч. 2. Этнография, религиоведение, язык, фольклор и литература: Сб. науч. ст.

Andrey Bazarov and Nikolay Tsyrempilov
Catalogue of Tibetan gSung 'bum Collection of Centre of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Volume I. Non-dGe lugs and Early dGe lugs sections

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